Gregory Stenson, is from the UK, after a career in International construction he settled in the Caribbean. However he experienced some scary people, a female stalker who terrorised him, robbed him and ...he decided to write his experiences down, this formed the basis of a thriller and with a little added fiction, The Seventh Island was born.
A creative person who likes music, playing and listening, and has now re-setteld in the UK, enjoys publishing short stories, and has recently added a teenage mystery series based on stories he used to tell his children at bedtime when they were growing up.
This is primarily a website where I show my semi-autobiographical books, short stories and the teenage mystery adventures of The Woodlane Gang.
I will, from time to time, have articles, promotions and health-related posts that might interest anyone and everyone.
Losing Weight
One area that I personally can talk with some experience is weight-loss. Having been a typical workaholic in construction contracting in the Uk and around the world, with no time for exercise and a sensible work-life balance, I have, twice, lost 75 lbs and worked out a pretty good way to discipline myself and lose weight.
there are so many proprietary diets out there, and calorie control is a good way, but intermittant fasting is a a method that I have used successfully. I've written a sef-help book which is available for anyone wishing to explore a new way to lose weight.